Sunday, January 9, 2011

Final's PvP Blog


You may know me ingame or not at WoW, in either way I hope this blog helps you in the sometimes stressing activity of PvP. Being good in PvP is probably the hardest skill to develop further; requires a very high asset of talents combined, and a lot of patience.

I have played WoW for 2 years, dwelling only on private servers. In spite of having just 2 years playing and never played retail, my knowledge in WoW is considerably high. To counter my noobness (can I conjugate *noob* like this? xD) I spent days reading and studying classes, strategies and tested myself everything I'd take as a fact. My adventure in PvP started seriously when I joined instant 80 servers, after the last 2 low rate servers I was in were shut down. It was hard at first, but with patience and practice it became easier. When I became good with one class, I'd make a different class to try it out, since those servers were instant 80, I could test all the classes I had curiosity for, and see which one fits me more.

During this adventure I pvp'ed with warlock, mage, priest, rogue, paladin, shaman, death knight; never trying out a class before reading about it and strategies for it.

I write this to let you know that I didn't became good in 1 day, it took a lot of study and patience (and 12 daily hours of WoW for months), my real life was affected, and I knew I was a sick no lifer. I may not be the best, or have the highest rated team, I attribute this to the fact that I play a lot of classes in a serious way.

In either way, don't stress out if you lose a lot at first, you have to develop skills slowly, and in the end you'll see the results.

Okay, now that you know this is not an easy task, lets begin :)

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